so much gunfire. So many rounds.
[quote]so much gunfire. So many rounds.
Couldn’t hear the a-10 rounds over the gpmg for shit lol.
Strafing runs! Fire missions! Happy FSTs. /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width=“20” height=“20” />
More rounds down in 5 mins than 2/2 has fired the entire campaign!
Ill second that! plus i think your using to much burst? that gimpy was firing atleast 10 second burst
FSG were under direct orders from HQ to fire no less that 10,000 rounds during that op. Much like the Aircraft and 7RHA we can be used as a method for “show of force”. So us spitting out 7.62 like mothers serves a duel purpose.
hairy muff mate
You should try being on the receiving end of that A-10. At one point, the compound I was in started disinteresting. I was thinking ‘wtf’? and then I heard the cannon. Awesome.
By any chance do we have some footage from the DISTAFF? Would be nice to see that fire coming in from your point of view.
Or does that sound a bit macabre?
It does sound macabre Millar.
But as Scarle said, Emmet himself said no less then 10 000 rounds. We “only” managed 6500-7000 rounds…
And the GPMG is an area suppression weapon, if you want accuracy you get a L129 or L115. Hell, even a L85 can do in a pinch
That RPG at 10:20 was fucking mental. Good to see the rounds going out fast!
Live Stream - Heracles XV - POV Pte Vella
Never recorded or edited a video of gaming before so consider this a stab in the dark, as such the video is unlisted in case it is deemed inappropriate or whatever.
Its a little edited vid of OP PHILEMON X from 1/3’s perspective, and our raid on OBJECTIVE X-RAY.
Like the vid Roberts! Looking forward to seeing tonight’s.
why don't we link the streams with multiple camera angles during ops ??, seems very simple to do.
I can show you the outcome and also help with anything if you would like to be involved in it.
You talking about embedding streams onto the website in some form? (Like Twitch) Or you talking about editing a video together that includes multiple viewpoints?
No (however that would be nice) I'm on about something like this.
<iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="270" src="" width="480"></iframe>
If you notice at the bottom right of the player you can change camera perspective, It is done very easily.
i think the idea of several streams on website would be an awesome idea.