16AA Deployment Videos

You could always change the layout, in arma settings, to put the chat box to the very bottom left of the screen, then add an 11% top and bottom black border when editting the footage.

It’s what I did anyway.

Gimme a shout on TS before the Op Padhi and I’ll talk you onto the settings. Another great video fella.

[quote]Gimme a shout on TS before the Op Padhi and I’ll talk you onto the settings. Another great video fella.
Sure. Will do. The narration wouldn’t have been possible without your help Millar! And thank you for all the support guys. /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width=“20” height=“20” />

Quite a bit on the backburner with videos due to some other priorities than premiere subscription for a few months, so i’ll churn out the perseus op and then move on to the newest one we have soon ish.

I’ll try and make the video lenght to about 40-50 minutes from now on to make it abit easier to churn out, and also make them alot more easy to sit down and watch for the more “normal” people so to speak.

Note: Perseus 2 is really Perseus 3, but since I dont want “where is pt 2???” all over it’s easier to just do it chronologically. Not like anyoone would notice anyway, muhaha.

And for the love of baby jesus, refrain from black bars. They just draw the attention away from the main action and make some hud elements stick out like a sore thumb which defeats the purpose of said black bars in the first place.

Just take a look at a video from Dyslyecxi and tell me how much you notice the random chatter in group chat or anything else except what is focused on the main 50% of the center.

Anyway. Enjoy.

Hey leave my black lines alone you! Whatever hides some of the shitty FPS I’m recording at helps.

Roll on being able to afford an i7. Oh that’s right. I’ll never be able to afford an i7 while I have children!!! Grrr

/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width=“20” height=“20” />

There ARE places where one can sell children… Just saying.

But black bars are more distracting then helpfull in my eyes. IF decent quality on the footage, a bit of cropping and zooming in the edit will do the same trick removing huds \ chats.

Edit: Typo.

Good videos there Pedersen. You should have been in front of a medic much, much sooner.


Good videos there Pedersen. You should have been in front of a medic much, much sooner.


Haha, yes I am fully aware. It just seemed to be a super short mission (and I was right) so I rather built myself a Turban and manned up.

Any other OP i’d have evaced out on the first bird. /emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width=“20” height=“20” />

Heracles VII


Let me know what you guys think of adding narration to the videos.


Really like the style, the narration was really nice way of making sure it was understood.

That ending though lol.

I like a bit of narration. That way you have a bit of the back story as well as letting folk know the lengths and complexities that we get up to on our operations.

Good effort!

Good stuff, recommend lowering the radiochatter while you are narrating though since you want to focus on your voice /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width=“20” height=“20” />

That radio chatter was superb though. Real sense of the British JNCO. Still some work to do to get up there the right level of twitchy eyed madness but deeply impressive nonetheless.


Nice one Vella! I love how you manage to make me sound almost competent in my job xD

Continue with the narration!

Thanks gents means alot will keep it up then ??? next time will lower the in game volume bit more when narrating.

Excellent vid mate.

Thanks Millar /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width=“20” height=“20” />

Nice video Vella! Keep doing these with narration. You already have the Ross Kemp haircut.

Really good videos to watch fella’s - Being on the other side it’s nice to see it from the BlueFor perspective /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width=“20” height=“20”>

Just one request.

Can we get more infantry and some opfor pics and vids please.